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I am passionate about...

…helping women find happiness, confidence, and purpose in their lives. And I believe in having a plan! My books, courses and coaching are process oriented, pragmatic in nature. I like helping women figure things out. It can be as simple as creating more joy in daily living, or it could be more involved like starting an entrepreneurial venture (or accelerating the momentum of one that already exists). 

In 2019, I wrote a book, Women Who Spark: 12 Steps to Catapult Happiness, Cultivate Confidence and Discover the Purpose of Your Life. 

And then another: Women Who Spark After 50: Inspirations to Reignite and Reinvent Your Life for the Second Half.

I launched the Women Who Spark After 50 Book Series in 2024. 

“I love helping women reignite and reinvent their lives for an amazing second half. We have too many decades ahead of us to leave them to chance.”

Perhaps, just like you, I have wondered what’s next for me.

Think back over the past twenty to thirty years and all you have accomplished. Really…pause for a minute.

Has it crossed your mind you may have—yet again—that many years ahead of you?

It’s crossed my mind—not just for me, but for all of us.

During the past several years—I’m 62 by the way—I’ve rolled up my sleeves to uncover the bigger purpose of my life. I want the decades-long striving for productivity and accomplishment to lead somewhere meaningful.

When I arrived on the other side of the very-busy middle of life (you know…..raising kids, working full time, stretching finances to pay the mortgage, getting too little sleep, missing workouts, surviving divorce….I know you know what I’m talking about!), I felt excited about what’s next. I’ve learned that I’m not alone.   

My purpose in life is to help mid-life women lean confidently into their

Amazing Future Self!

Aleta Norris

I provide resources to help...

Ladies, life is not over for us in our 50’s, 60’s, 70s and beyond. Not even close. Traditional retirement timeframes often lead us to think our productive years are winding down. Today, many women are leading amazingly productive lives well into their 80’s and 90’s.  Let’s join them. Let’s lean into an amazing future. As George Bernard Shaw so eloquently said, “Let’s be fully used up when we die.”

Are you interested but not sure where to start?

I created the Women Who Spark After 50 Community to help you—and others just like you—lean into your amazing future self (from wherever you are today). 

I’ve designed a variety of products and services to help you find greater productivity and positivity in your life. Most importantly, I can help you discover the sparks in your life, for both the day that is in front of you, as well as the decades that will follow

Don’t let good enough be good enough.

A sampling: 

Midlife Makeover: an eight week self guided journey to explore where you’re at and where you’re going. 

Life Coaching Packages: these coaching conversations relate to navigating the diverse challenges of life. Think relationships, finances, hobbies, home and space, confidence, friendships, and overcoming the overwhelm of life.  I’m a step-by-step process thinker. I help my clients break the overwhelm into one-step-at-a-time progress.

Business Coaching Packages: I’ve managed a variety of entrepreneurial businesses (including ‘make money online’ opportunities) over the past 40 years. I can help you create your vision and your business plan; line up your business resources and advisors; create your offers; crack the code on use of technology, apps and social media platforms. I’m not an expert in the nitty gritty details, but I can help you create and navigate your plan.  

A few fun facts…

SPOUSE: I am married to my quirky, amazing husband, Steve. We are avid baseball fans and got married at Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers, in 2017.


FAMILY: Together with Steve, I have five fun, adventurous adult children who teach us about living life fully, and nine very fun grandchildren, who do their part to keep us moving! 

MY LIFE’s WORK: I have co-owned a leadership training and coaching firm, Living As A Leader, for almost 30 years and have had the privilege of supporting tens of thousands of leaders across the United States. 

HOBBIES: Plants and flowers in the summer! A few years ago, grandchildren inspired me to take up cookie and cake decorating. Listen, when I chose that hobby, I wasn’t counting on nine grandchildren in three and a half years. Let’s just say I spend a lot of time in the kitchen! 

LIFE MANTRA: Good and bad co-exist; Happiness and sadness co-exist; Success and failure co-exist. Through all of it, we can find happiness, joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

SPARKS: Aside from these five kids in our family, one of the greatest sources of my joy are my treasured friendships with women in all seasons of life. 

FITNESS: I’ve officially made the pivot from high intensity workouts and cardio to an hour each morning on my yoga mat…not necessarily doing yoga. Lots of mobility and movement to keep shoulders, hips and back in a good state of health. I call this hour my relaxed workout. 

MOST DIFFICULT HABIT TO BREAK: Drinking Diet Coke. Who am I kidding? Will this ever happen?

CHALLENGE: I had a twenty-year stint as a single mom to my three really cool kids. They’re great in their adult lives: Happy, productive, adventurous. I’ll be peppering in stories to share the good times and the tough moments during those years to reinforce the notion that life does not have to be perfect to be beautiful. 

SIMPLE PLEASURES: Hot tea in the morning. A cold Prosecco on a warm sunny day. A cozy fire in January.

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